Aug 062024

The Blessing of the Garden

St. Timothy’s Episcopal and Covenant Presbyterian held a joint service July 21 to celebrate the bounty of the garden that grows between the two churches and is their joint mission. Following the service, Rev. Kyle Carswell and Rev. Nathan Williams blessed the garden. For the first time in several years, it didn’t rain, so the blessing was actually outside in the garden. Afterward, parishioners from both churches met for a meal and fellowship.

Planting and Harvesting Update

Vegetables seem to be taking longer to ripen than last year, possibly due to extreme weather and an overabundance of rain. That means our numbers are still impressive, but they are down from last year.

This year, we harvested 7,510 pounds of produce compared with 9,605 last year at the same time. Most of the difference is in tomato weights, which totaled 1,335 pounds this year, almost a third of last year’s count of 3,880.

Below is an update on our donations through August 3.


Beets 210
Blueberries: 10
Bush Beans: 120
Broccoli: 5
Cabbage: 912
Collards: 272
Cucumbers: 196
Eggplant: 98
Garlic/Garlic Scapes: 273
Ground cherries: 25
Kale: 157
Kohlrabi: 55
Lettuce: 225
Okra: 10
Onions: 160
Peas: 380
Peppers: 75
Potatoes 2,495
Radishes: 75
Swiss Chard: 237
Tomatitoes: 15
Tomatoes: 1.335
Turnips: 60
Zucchini: 10

Total: 7,510


Fresh Start: 560
Lutheran Services: 39
CFUM (Children and Families Urban Movement): 925
Joppa: 30
St. Marks Community Fridge: 435
Trinity Los Americas: 1,175
Johnston Food Pantry: 866
WDM Human Services: 2,880

TOTAL: 7,510 pounds

We Always Need Volunteers

Volunteer hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Afternoon volunteer hours are available by appointment. Please text Mark Marshall at 515-988-5381 to volunteer in the afternoon. Please sign-up for morning hours HERE. No experience necessary.

Why sign-up? By signing up, you help us plan to make your volunteer experience more enjoyable. We are also able to notify you in case of a cancellation.

When volunteering in the garden, wear clothes that can get dirty and dress for the weather. Bring garden gloves if you have them; otherwise, we can provide them. We have all the tools you will need.

Thank you for your help!

Large groups volunteer by appointment. School, church, civic, and corporate groups are always welcome in the garden by appointment. Send a message to to learn about volunteering that fits your group’s schedule.

 Posted by at 1:36 am